Future Liberal World Is Terrifying

Apocalypse - It could be coming soon

Liberals are pushing for gun control, open borders and Socialism in some form or another. But where will those things lead if they get to power and make it happen?

Well you can have your opinions and I can have mine, but here’s the way I see it panning out.

It’s going to be a fucking dystopian nightmare.

My gut feeling is that Socialism won’t really happen, but let’s just take gun control and then forget open borders. Let’s go with mass immigration for now.

So the cities are flooded with people from Syria, Africa and Central America. We’re talking a low IQ populace that grew up with violence. We’re talking an explosion of gang culture, and illegal guns. Lots of illegal guns.

Sweden and Europe have shown the way. There will be a surge in street crime, robbery and of course that old chestnut: rape. Turf wars will erupt, with the likes of MS-13 coming in, and the general population just will not feel safe.

Buy Guns Now And Keep Them Safe

There will be no guns by then, we’re pretty sure. Legally anyway. You could buy guns now, then lose them in a boating accident, theoretically speaking, or buy 80% kits, don’t build them, don’t register them, and make them if and when the time comes.

But there won’t be many people that do that.

So there will be no real defense, the crime rates will rocket and we simply won’t be able to police that. What will we do then?

Will We Ask For Sanctuary Cities Of Our Own?

I can see a time when the law-abiding population voluntarily goes into compounds, sanctuary cities, for their own protection.

Essentially, the criminals can run free and there will be inner city areas, fenced and patrolled, for the people that don’t particularly like getting stabbed when they go to work.

If we assume that the overall goal is power and control over the citizens, which is straying a bit close to conspiracy theories and yet you have to say looks plausible in the modern world, what better way than letting us ask to go in to these tightly controlled zones?

We Carry Our Own Electronic Surveillance

There was a time when science fiction told us we’d all be tagged and tracked by now. As it turned out, we pretty much voluntarily went out and got our own tags with the smartphone we carry. We even pay for the privilege.

So, what’s to say in 20 years we won’t be banging at the gates of the inner city, asking to be let in to our own prison, to make sure we can, you know, stay alive?

Will The First World Burn?

Of course that might never happen, there are about 100 different story arcs the world could take between then and now. We could eliminate crime entirely with AI-powered drones that shoot on site.

We could predict crimes before they happen thanks to CCTV and software that means there’s a cop ready to tap you on the shoulder and tell you that you’re about to fuck up your life.

All kinds of things could happen. But right now, this is possible. It doesn’t sound totally far-fetched. And that is kinda frightening….


  • A picture of your fearless leader

    Nick is a lifelong gun enthusiast who has a simple mission. He wants to find the best deals for guns online and help you make the best choices with weapons your life may depend on one day.Nick won a minor league shooting competition at the age of 11 and it all went from there. Now he runs one of the biggest firearms websites on the net and his work has featured in Playboy US, Tatler Asia, Forbes and a whole host of national magazines and websites.

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2 thoughts on “Future Liberal World Is Terrifying”

  1. Nick, I take issue with your article. You are a good writer, but I’d like to share my perspective. I’m one of the immigrants you are worried about. I came to this country as a child and know what it really means to be an American. I grew up in Michigan. I learned to fish and hunt here, and how to drive a stick on a frozen lake. I call myself an American, with nothing hyphenated in front of it.

    So I have lived through both liberal and conservative governments here in the U.S., the administrations of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, and Trump. America has survived them all.

    I remember the 1994 gun control act, that banned “assault weapons,” guns mostly picked out for their looks, high capacity magazines, and folding stocks, even if they shared basically the same guts as innocuous-looking semiautomatic hunting rifles. Every gun show I ever went to though, ever since, I have seen SKS and AK-47 carbines, high cap mags of every size, everything you could want, long after they were banned. The magazines that were already made were “grandfathered in,” you see, so they could still be sold. There has never been a shortage of guns and ammo until recently, when people make irrational decisions and stock up unnecessary quantities, and in so doing prevent their neighbors from going to the shooting range. There are probably enough guns already made in this country, if we needed, for each of us to have at least one. We also have a Supreme Court that can strike down laws that violate the Second Amendment. If one administration passes bad laws, the next one can repeal them, and life will go on.

    I’m not worried at all about a Biden presidency. I don’t agree with the man on some issues like gun policy, but I respectfully disagree. I still think he is a good person and a patriot. Two days ago, I saw him cordially bump elbows with Vice President Pence, a man I also disagree with on other issues, but I like to see Americans treat each other as fellow Americans, not “the other side.”

    What does worry me, isn’t here. Many people in the world don’t enjoy any of the freedoms that we can take for granted. I have also lived in China, a country where people are afraid to speak out against the government, had no right to keep any kind of weapon. I would never tell anyone to “go back where you came from.” That’s not what the America I believe in stands for. The America I believe in is the one the Statue of Liberty stands for. This is the country that once held its doors open wide to people from all over the world, as a place people could come to for freedom, and a chance to make a better life. Perhaps some of your ancestors are among them?

    If we believe in America and we believe in a “land of the free,” then we need to keep it free to everyone. If we believe we are a “United” States, then we should stand united with each other, regardless of what kind of different opinions we have, or what color or religion we are, or where we come from.

    1. And I believe in freedom so your freedom of speech is right here, go for it. You can disagree with me 10000%. But we don’t quite have the same outlook I’m afraid. That’s cool too. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong, if it counts for anything!

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