Last updated July 2nd 2024
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Winners at a Glance
The discreet Uncharted Supply Seventy2 Survival Pack is the best bug out bag off the shelf, especially for urban settings. But you might want a more military flavor, and we have things for you too.
Image | Product | Detail | Price |
![]() | Uncharted Supply Seventy2 |
| Lowest Price |
![]() | EchoSigma Systems |
| Lowest Price |
![]() | Uncharted Supply Basecamp |
| Lowest Price |
![]() | Wise Company 5 Day Survival |
| Lowest Price |
![]() | EchoSigma Get Home Bag |
| Lowest Price |
![]() | 45L Military Tactical Pack |
| Lowest Price |
Best SHTF Bag on Sale
SHTF and bug out bags used to be insane terms used by insane preppers predicting the end of the world. They don’t seem quite so crazy anymore
Political tension, race-baiting constant assaults on the Second Amendment, killer viruses and more are happening every week on American soil. Meanwhile Russian troops are patrolling towns in the Ukraine.
Things be wilding, as someone probably said in a movie once.
So the odds of you having to get the f*** out of wherever you are and hole up while the world rips itself apart have probably risen sharply in recent times.
Useful Things in All Kinds of Emergencies
Even the weather is getting biblical in some parts of the country and a lot of us know what it’s like to do without power and water for days at a time after a hurricane.
Most of the things you’ll find in an emergency kit and the best bug out bags will come in handy in the aftermath of a flood, hurricane, earthquake or just about any other
You don’t actually need a nuclear war, a zombie apocalypse or Civil War 3 to get great value out of a bag like this. You can even take it camping as a back-up and when you really need a
The Best Bug Out Bag/Backpack is Sensible
Having a fully stocked and ready to go premade bug out bag doesn’t make you look like a lunatic. It really isn’t going too far. Along with a carefully curated group of firearms, proper emergency kits & emergency supplies, stacked with the best tactical gear is just solid preparation.
That’s why you have firearms in your house, after all, and home security. Personal safety goes well beyond a healthy stash of 230gr 45 ACP.
Add a Few Items of Your Own
Of course with time and preparation, you can come up with something better with a DIY checklist, and a lot of time and money. But these are great start points that you can add a few essentials to and you’re on your way.
So what are the best emergency preparedness kits and what should you look for when it comes to pre-packed basic survival gear?
Here are our picks of the best bug out bag for sale in 2024.

1. Uncharted Supply Seventy2 Survival System
- Price: $589.99
- Lasts: 72 Hours
- Weight: 20lb
What we really like about this best-selling premade bug out bag are the onboard tools. Indeed this is less about providing your basic needs and more about giving you the tools to feed yourself and build a three-storey eco-friendly house while the world goes to Hell.
Seriously it’s not quite that good, but the on-board tools really are winners. The crank operated radio, torch and power bank mean you can keep your cell phone charged and maybe find out when the zombie apocalypse or Coronavirus outbreak has been contained.
You might like to think that your 6.5 Creedmoor or your AR-15 will be the difference in a true SHTF situation and you might well have a point. But cellphones matter and power could easily be the difference between getting through a tricky situation and just not.
There’s a shovel, a pretty solid fixed blade knife with two serrated edges for sawing and a clean edge for stabbing and straightforward cutting. There’s a torch, a multi-tool and more in the best bug out bag.
Shelter is Included
There is a fold up emergency shelter, so don’t expect a real dome tent, and squeeze-style water filter for water purification. You get a 48oz collapsible drinking bottle, goggles, even a wool hat and hand warmers. This is survival gear first and foremost.
As a natural disaster kit, this bag has a lot going for it. So if you live in flood country, or you happen to live in tornado alley, then you really should have a big out bag you can just grab and go.
The bag itself is a flotation device, which is pretty smart. There is always some emergency gear you will buy separately. A proper lightweight tent might be right up there on the list. But this high price, high spec premade bug out bag has the basics covered and then some.
It also weighs just 11.5lb, which makes a lot of room for some of the tools we would inevitably add to your emergency bug out bag list. They include a hatchet, ammo and guns.
Or at least an everyday carry 9mm sub-compact stashed in there.

2. Echo Sigma Emergency Systems Bug Out Bag
- Price: $536.99
- Lasts: 10 Days
- Weight: 34lb
The Echo Sigma is the Mac Daddy of emergency bug out bag choices and will keep you going in the wild for up to 10 days.
There’s a lot packed into this standard sized backpack and the Echo Sigma military tactical backpack contains provisions, tools and communications, all in this one easy to grab and carry bag. See you might have all these things dotted round your house, but there’s no time to make up a pack this organized in an emergency. This one just goes together, despite the mass of things inside.
Great Price For a Packed Out Bug Out Bag
This grab and go premade bug out bag from Echo Sigma, packed with decent survival gear, looks like the top emergency survival backpack for sale in 2024. If you can stomach the price
Check the link for the full description, but the highlights include a thermal cocoon sleeping bag, water purification tablets, a SOG multi-tool and all the little things that will keep you alive in the wilderness, or even stuck on a roof out of harm’s way under a bridge in the urban jungle.
Matches, sandpaper and medical gear that includes basic field dressings and the chance to sew yourself back up if something goes badly wrong. In a SHTF situation, that’s always possible.
Heavy Lifting, Done For You
The hardware included with this Echo Sigma Emergency pack is pretty impressive, too, and will save you a lot of time assembling the perfect kit. A multi-band, multipower radio system, an emergency tube tent, a 190 Lumen Fenix flashlight and even 50 feet of military-grade 550 paracord found their way into the pack. There are even 2 respirator masks in there, as well as the ubiquitous duct tape in these survival kits.
There are glaring omissions on the premade bug out bag list, probably to make the kit easier to sell on the open market. You’ll want a proper knife in there and other outdoor gear. But this is a great foundation.
You can add pepper spray and other less lethal personal defense items, but you’re always fighting against the final weight. You have to decide if you can haul ass with a heavy duty bag, or if you’re going to be throwing toilet paper and other things that will keep you alive overboard because you can’t carry yours.

3. Uncharted Supply Company Basecamp
- Price: $729.99
- Lasts: Variable, Family of 4
- Weight: 11.8lb
The Uncharted Co Basecamp looks like a Yeti Cooler stuffed with emergency preparedness gear because that’s exactly what it is. These survival kits go beyond a premade Bug Out Bag, and give up some portability for completeness.
Uncharted went looking for a bear proof, freeze proof and relatively shockproof container for its biggest and best kit. Turns out Yeti have done all that R&D and so the companies came together.
This is designed for a family of four and it is definitely aimed at colder climates. There are wool hats, goggles and gloves alongside the tools, air filtration masks, water purifying kit, food, water rations and more for you and your family members. Inevitably these emergency kits are heavy loads.
A Full on Survival Solution Bag For Your Car
These are emergency kits that you could keep in your vehicle, safe in the knowledge that your family will be OK if you’re caught in a storm. Or in the event of something weirder, you have a very solid chance of getting through it thanks to disaster preparedness today.
All the user reviews talk about high quality components and exactly the things you really need in a bad situation, from a full water purifying system and emergency food rations of dehydrated food to duct tape, from personal hygiene items to a magnesium alloy fire starter.
You can build your own bug out bag, but it probably won’t be better than this one. And this is just so neatly packed, with gear for four. It’s kind of perfect honestly.
Of course you could add a second cooler with better sleeping options like a sleeping pad and a proper tent bedecked with more emergency gear and a bbq set-up. The end of the world can still be fun…

4. Wise Company 5 Day
- Price: $89.99
- Lasts: 5 Days
- Weight: 6lb
This is a lightweight kit that leaves out all the tools and fancy gear. It’s just the basics you need to stay dry, warm, fed and watered, rather than an advanced bug out bag.
It focuses on emergency food rations and water, there is more per person per day supply too.
Now the sales material says its contains 32 gourmet entrees. I guess it depends on your definition of gourmet. But again, if you’re starving, any dehydrated food, water etc will taste like heaven. So maybe they are right…
This is one of those emergency kits that could be just as useful when the power goes out, the water turns off or you just failed to catch dinner in the wild. It’s stuff you can use without being in a full-on emergency situation.
Flood Protection, Not Deep Freeze Bug out Bag
The emergency Mylar blankets and poncho/bivy sack aren’t designed for really cold weather. But then you kinda know that going in. This is a limited bug out bag that will get you through a simple emergency situation or basic natural disasters. It’s the bare minimum then and you could add a long term survival shelter.
You know the drill. There are water pouches, rather than a dramatic water purification system, and the most basic of first aid kits. The cooking stove and fuel tablets are a key ingredient, though.
The squeeze flashlight and playing cards? They’re nice touches in these emergency kits.
This basic bug out bag is priced right, there are loads of useful things in the kit and customers tend to come back and buy more. The user reviews all say it’s exceptional value and that’s a good sign with a kit this cheap.

5. Readywise Ultimate 5 Day Survival Solution
- Price: $329.99
- Lass: 5 Days
- Weight: 27lb
The best bug out bag is packed with gourmet food, if you believe the labels at least. Appalachian apple cinnamon cereal, wild rice risotto and spicy Asian style noodles await when the world is going wrong. For some of us it might be a step up from cold pizza…
A hand crank flashlight, radio, panic alarm and cell phone charger joins forces with a portable stove and 24 fuel tablets, utensils and a flint and striker fire starter. The bottle with a filtration system is nice too.
You get Mylar blankets rather than a full on shelter, so you might want to throw a tent in there, too, or more blankets if this kit is for the car. A survival blanket just isn’t the same as a comfort blanket, but there are pros and cons with every kit.
If you do break down in the middle of nowhere, or have to hole up in the car for some unspecified reason, the best preparedness kit will make your life much easier.
Readywise is known for its freeze dried food, so check out this review as that is the core essence of these ermegency kits. I would definitely add a decent a sleeping pad and bag. Lightweight sleeping bag options are available here and they will make your survival situation a lot more comfortable.

6. EchoSigma Get Home Bag
- Price: $269.99
- Lasts: 3 Day
- Weight: 20lb
This rugged military tactical backpack is the ideal starter for a 72-hour emergency kit and it contains a lot of the useful emergency supplies you might need in a minor emergency that keeps you from, well, getting home.
There’s an integrated 2.5 liter hydration system, which means this is a useful pack for a hike. There’s a basic med kit, fire starters, a compass, a tube tent, water purification tablets and emergency food rations in an easy-to-carry pack with comfortable shoulder straps, compression straps and Molle webbing.
Add your own work gloves, extra batteries, duct tape and build out your perfect kit over time with this heavy duty foundation of a survival bug out bag.
When disaster strikes, a set of stormproof matches can be the difference between life and death. Or at least the difference between a fun cookout and miserable time in the cold.
The best bug out bag comes with military webbing that you can use to attach this trauma kit Molle bag, an external sleeping bag, a better water bottle and pouches for ermergency supplies. To a certain point, it will grow with your enthusiasm for the complete survival system.
And as your kit improves, you can survive outdoors longer, and start fishing and going all Bear Grylls and stuff with your bugout bag for a long time.
This also serves as a bail out bag, largely, although you might want to add stuff like toilet paper and more things to start a fire in the cold regions of the United States. It’s the bare minimum for serious survival, but you can walk with it. There are pros and cons, as always.

7. Emergency Zone Urban Survival Emergency Survival Bag
- Price: $199.99
- Lasts: 3 Day Supply/2 people
- Weight: 29lb
Ironically, walking round with a perfectly presented disaster kit in the midst of a disaster could be the very thing that gets you killed by a less scrupulous and decent member of what passes for society at that point.
At that point, it really doesn’t matter how good your 3 day emergency preparedness kit was. So it’s a good idea to just carry, well, a backpack really, and maybe a paperback book of survival tips in your survival/bug out bag too.
Incognito Emergency Survival Pack is Best
That’s what this Urban Survival premade bugout bag is.
It just happens to be crammed with a pretty useful emergency kit. Features include water purification, dehydrated food and all the other variety pack goodies you would expect from a good 3 day bug out bag that’s designed to get you and a partner in what may well be crime by then through three days.
The Urban Survival backpacks come with a pocket specifically for a Concealed Carry handgun that we all know is one of the most important components of the best bug out bag. Or a grab bag you take when you need to leave your home and you’re bugging out on foot.
Alive, But Not in the Lap of Luxury
You won’t be living in luxury with the Urban Survival backpacks. There is a small dome tent, which is great and water resistant, but the covers are the reflective emergency blanket kind. So you might want to upgrade those to a proper sleeping bag at some point. They aren’t a long-term solution.
You do get proper water filters courtesy of Lifestraw, as well as a proper water bottle. The freeze dried food ration bars don’t need precious water to rehydrate them.
This bug out bag is also US Coast Guard approved for a natural disaster. It is an odd seal of approval and yet here we are. The main point is this stuff can survive life at sea and comes with a shelf life of five years, and is the best gear.
FEMA Compliant Kit
This premade bugout bag/Urban Survival backpack is FEMA compliant, although the mere mention of the Federal Emergency Management Agency will send conspiracy theory types running for their underground SHTF shelter.
Emergency Zone was started by a doctor, so you can bet your ass the First Aid kit is second to none. For the money anyway.
Solid Start, Just Add High Spec, High Tech Gear
The user reviews suggest this is a great start for basic disaster preparedness. You can add your own multi tools and technology. Handheld GPS devices, powerbanks, torches, wind-up radios, protective gear and more.
Better first aid kits, dehydrated food, water filtration and more are all out there as well for your best bug out bag.
It’s all out there and you might opt for a computerized and solar panel powered nerve center from the best ger reviews. Or something more basic like hand warmers and fire starters. Maybe hand sanitizer.
You can split this up into a get home bag and more for the car, too, with some extra tools like a better survival knife etc that you can attach with PALS webbing to the shoulder strap. It’s a good idea really.
Just Need a Bag?

45L Military Tactical Backpack
- Price: $45.00+
The 45L Military Tactical Backpack is the classic backpack that can fit way more than it should and it’s always a good idea to have one of these.
So if you need a military tactical backpack to build out into your own kit, or you just need a bag for hiking, these things are great.
The Molle webbing, compression straps, reinforced shoulder straps and more are all ideal for a lot of outdoors stuff and general hiking backpack. You get a sternum strap, too, tp help spread the load.
The main compartment on this military tactical backpack is huge and you’ve got several sections for medical supplies, rations, you do you. It’s a versatile piece of gear, is the point. And it is easier to carry than most with multiple attachment points.
Organize the price low to high and you might find some military surplus bargains on that link.
What About an Alice Pack?
An Alice Pack stands for All purpose Lightweight Individual carrying Equipment. So yeah it’s easy to see why people call them an Alice Pack. They’re great for a simple bug out bag/backpack, but they’re not quite so durable and versatile.
They do have versatile Molle/Pals webbing, though, which you can use to attach what you like.
You can find them in military surplus stores, too, as well as all the usual outdoors retailers.
You can get a better military tactical backpack, and a hiking backpack, from the folks at Mystery Ranch. They’re our bags specialist at the moment and will sell you a hunting backpack with an external frame and lots more.
They do a nice line in EDC bags, too, if you want to abandon your IWB holster and put your carry pistol in a fanny pack or pocket of your premade bugout bag.
Check out Mystery Ranch here.
Keep More in the Car
If you spend a lot of time in your car then it’s fair to assume you could face your particular survival situation together. So if you have built out your in-car kit and bug out bag in to a pro survival system with more essential items, that’s going to be your time to shine.
A real tent, UCO Stormproof or full on emerency survival tent, LED flashlight, plastic sheeting even, proper sleeping bags, a wool blanket, hand warmer, water filters & water bottles and a charger for your devices that runs off the motor will be pretty sweet additions to your life.
Emergency situations vary, but food and water, power and warmth are basic human requirements. Having those covered will give you peace of mind and fitting enough into a military tactical backpack is never a bad idea.
Add more dehydrated food & water and one of those Leatherman Signal multi-tools. A fixed blade survival knife, too, can be better than a folder in the field.
A battery powered power system as a back up to deal with prolonged power outages too. If that time ever comes, of course.
We do think power blackouts will become a part of normal life sooner rather than later. So buy a generator while you can for a home emergency bundle. Think about a portable power supply, too, or power banks, including the simple solar panel and battery arrangements. They could just about juice your phone in an emergency. In the desert.
You’ll need a survival backpack to turn that into a 3 day bug out bag and we recommend the basic 45l military tactical 3 Day assault pack packed with essential gear for wilderness survival. Or hurricane or earthquake preparedness gear, depending on where you live.
And you can take it fishing, hunting, camping & hiking too. This emergency backpack isn’t just for wilderness survival, you could use it every weekend if you’re the outdoors type.
Longer Term Things to Consider
A long lasting water filter in the water bottles, rather than ration pouches, can change your odds of survival massively in the worst situation. So a 3 day emergency pack to get started, followed by digging in deep with the tools and survival food at your disposal, gives you a chance at surviving whatever comes next. Fun huh?
For all the same reasons, you should have a hidden gun safe in the car and also pack guns and ammo. Guns, ammo and the basic emergency gear might just get you through Zombieland, when the time inevitably comes. With every box ticked, from food bars to a trauma kit, you boost your chances of surviving long term if shit really does hit the fan.
You should definitely learn survival skills if you want to live long term among The Walking Dead as well. Remember the internet will be down, and Google has gone to shit anyway. So if you’re not exactly Outback Jack, you might want to put a survival book in your bag.
Get the Best Medical Gear You Can Afford
Medical kit is a pretty vague term these days and you need to do a ton of research on sites like this if you want a portable first aid kit that actually works in your bug out bag.
Or you can pay for the big names to put together a first aid kit that you probably couldn’t have done yourself.
That’s what we recommend these days. The Adventure Medical Kits are some of the best in the business and we particularly like the Adventure Medical Marine, a complete survival system in a case designed to treat medical emergencies at sea. Now that’s a First Aid kit that covers most eventualities.
For a full range of medical supplies, trauma kits and complete emergency supplies, try here.
MyMedic also do exceptional medical kits in a bag. The MyFAK Lage first aid kit is around $200 and is basically all the life saving gear and essential items you should need in one convenient package. Get yours here. And check out the smaller options.

You Need an Anti Avalanche Backpack?
The Black Diamond Jetforce Pro comes with a huge inflatable device mounted to an internal frame that could lift you to the top of a sliding avalanche, or maybe a river we guess. It’s a different kind of survival kit.
I mean it’s not quite the emergency survival system we envisaged, but the Black Diamond is a type of emergency preparation and protective gear.
The company also makes solid snow shovels, emergency tents and other great snow gear. Check them out here. If you live in the wilderness, then there’s a lot to be said for this snow targeted pro survival system.
If you need a hydration bladder water storage in all conditions, water bottles and more, they can help.
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