Guns or Legal Weed? Pennsylvanians Must Choose

Guns or Legal Weed? Pennsylvanians Must Choose 1


You can have a license to buy guns, or a medical marijuana card to buy weed. But Pennsylvania is determined that you won’t be able to do both.


There’s some logic in there somewhere. If you’re regularly smoking weed then you might not be the best person to have an AR-15. That said, the town drunk can largely get a firearm, depending on their criminal record.


So it seems a little unfair to ban people that are naturally going to be a lot more relaxed and less aggressive, from owning a weapon.


Pennsylvania is rolling out a statewide program in early 2018 to provide medicinal cannabis products to patients suffering from 17 serious health conditions. But they’ll have to give up their guns and that is a concern for some people that see gun ownership as an enhrined right, rather than a bartering chip.


“It’s hypocritical,” said lawyer Andrew Sacks, the co-chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Medical Marijuana and Hemp Law Committee.



  • A picture of your fearless leader

    Nick is a lifelong gun enthusiast who has a simple mission. He wants to find the best deals for guns online and help you make the best choices with weapons your life may depend on one day.Nick won a minor league shooting competition at the age of 11 and it all went from there. Now he runs one of the biggest firearms websites on the net and his work has featured in Playboy US, Tatler Asia, Forbes and a whole host of national magazines and websites.

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2 thoughts on “Guns or Legal Weed? Pennsylvanians Must Choose”

    1. Well it seemed likely at the time. But things change. This was a pre-Covid 19 article. Look at the world now? Things happen, the situation developed. But this is still one of those constant rumors that won’t go away, so it was worth discussing.

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