Where To Buy A Mosin Nagant in 2024

Mosin-Nagant for sale

Last updated July 6th 2024

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Update: A lot of you do just want a cheap recent rifle and you’re happy with Century Arms and other options. If you’re looking for a used Mosin Nagant rifle for sale and you’re not that fussy about its heritage, then we have a gunbroker with a pretty wide selection.

Head to Guns.com to buy Mosin Nagants online right now. Get your 3 Line Rifle. 

Why would you want a Russian rifle designed more than 100 years ago? Well because the Russian Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle is cool, cheap and is actually a pretty accurate hunting rifle.

Russia is still sending troops into the Ukraine armed with this bolt action rifle. Of course it’s partially a financial decision, but I mean, it’s still pretty amazing that this military surplus is on the front line.

Find a good Mosin-Nagant for sale, and you’ll have bagged an absolute bargain of a hunting rifle and maybe even some weird old world home defense rifle.

Where to buy a Mosin Nagant Rifle?

There are more than 37 million guns out there in the world and that means you shouldn’t have to look too hard to find a Mosin Nagant for sale.

Gunbroker has a steady supply of Mosin Nagant Rifles, but we have found that Guns.com has a better selection and you seem to find more quality, rather than Norinco junk, on there.

So, that’s our inside tip. When you are looking for a Russian Mosin Nagant for sale in 2023? Start with Guns.com for your Mosin Nagant bolt action rifles.

What is the Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle?

This is one of the world’s most popular rifles. It’s a five-shot, magazine fed bolt-action rifle designed in the 1890s by Sergei Ivanovich Mosin. It’s also known as the three-line Model 1891 Infantryman Rifle in its purest, original spec.

Since the original M1891, the classic Mosin Nagant 3-line rifle model has come in for a vast number of refreshes and redesigns, but the basics remain the same. The most famous version is the M91/30 Mosin Nagant model, which featured heavily in the Second World War as a sniper rifle.

The Russians used the infamous Mosin-Nagant rifle together with a PEM scope, which was an early Russian knock-off of a Zeiss optic. It worked famously well and the Russian snipers instilled fear in the German troops.

The Russian Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine has emerged as a favorite Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle, but that comes with a premium price tag and you don’t need to get that involved with the Russian winter war rifle to get something perfectly serviceable.

Check the prices for the Mosin-Nagant M44 Carbine and other rifles on Guns.com.

In 1959, a shorter carbine design took over for the Mosin-Nagant rifle. It was made in Bulgaria, the range isn’t as good with the shorter barrel length and you’re basically buying a compromised rifle at that point.

The Chinese started making Mosin Nagant bolt action rifles in later years and they were a big thing in the Vietnam War, but stay away from that military surplus rifles too.

Mosin Nagant 1891/59 Carbine
Millions of These Just Lying in Sheds

The Russians made more than 37 million Mosin Nagant rifles, which means you can buy unfired, clean, basically new vintage guns in the USA right now. There is also a vast range of weapons out there, in terms of originality, spec and capability.

It’s up to you why you want to buy a Mosin Nagant M91 or otherwise. It could just be a cool ornament, or a gun you’re actually going to use. The Mosin Nagant M91 is one of those rare vintage guns for sale that still has a purpose.

It takes 7.62x54MR ammunition, which is freely available, and this is really a gun that can ring the bell up to 1000 yards. There’s something weirdly gratifying about doing that with a vintage gun you bought for a few hundred bucks.

Get great ammunition and this is a seriously effective hunting rifle at anything up to 400 meters. It’s a vintage firearm that only feels compromised by its weight.

The extra power of the AK-sized round means it should outperform a typical AR-15 and you can get real high quality ammo that will turn a $300 beater gun into an absolute weapon in the field. Even with the iron sights.

Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle

If you want to step it up a notch, get the fully converted sniper rifle, with the optic and sniper bolt handle. Then it’s a $1000 weapon and some are selling for $1500+, but it’s devastatingly effective and the scope mount really is quite clever in its own way.

We have to be realistic. You can get a brand new Ruger Enhanced Precision for just slightly more than $1000 and that is an absolute beast. In fact there are a lot of modern 308 rifle options you should look at if you’re even slightly leaning towards a modern gun.

So, you have to go one of two ways with the Mosin Nagant. Either get the cheapest, simplest, $300 gun with iron sights that you use and abuse, or get a more expensive gun that could end up taking pride of place in your collection. It will be technically inferior to its modern-day alternative, but not by much and it does have its own unique character.

Vintage firearms enthusiasts and modern-day snipers alike love the Mosin Nagant. Some have even fitted the bolt handle, barrel and firing mechanism to modern, lightweight stocks. Others have fitted rails and modern optics to a weapon that really doesn’t need any more help. Out in the field, this is a great gun for shooting anything this side of an Elk or Bear.

How Big A Deal Is The Mosin Nagant?

It’s a rifle that changed history, as in the 1870s, the Russian military and their single-shot rifle took heavy losses in the Russo-Ottoman war of 1877-78. A single shot rifle simply wasn’t good enough.

The Mosin-Nagant was the response, together with two other rifles that the Russian military evaluated and eventually discarded.

It doesn’t have the legendary profile of the AK47, but the Mosin Nagant has certainly had a similar impact on history. It is still in active service in military conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and just about any other war in a Third World nation.

Any time you pick up this gun, you’re following in the footsteps of soldiers, farmers and revolutionaries. It’s a gun for everyman.

Is The Mosin Nagant A Good Investment?

When the Iron Curtain came down, the market flooded with used and new Mosin Nagants for sale, but these military rifles have become a cult collector’s firearm and a good one could even prove an investment.

They were $50-60 guns at one point and they certainly aren’t anymore.

The Mosin-Nagant Russian military rifles are basically capable of taking any North American game, which means it’s a great rifle, with no caveats required. That means the prices are creeping up as supply dries up and demand continues to grow.

They range in price from $250 for a well-used gun through to $1000 for a great one. There are certain guns with historical significance that will cost a lot more. But if you want to simply shoot a Mosin Nagant then you can expect to depend about $400-$600 for a clean gun.

If you are a collector, a hunter or you just like shooting,then you need a Russian Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle in your life. Happy hunting!

Which Wars Did the Nagant Star In?

The Nagant has seen active service all round the world and is a world war star. It was a major player in the Russo Japanese war at the turn of the Century and went on to be the Soviet Union army’s main long rifle.

A revised version saw active service with the Russian military in World War 2 with the Model 1891/30 sniper rifles becoming global stars.

330,000 of those Russian military sniper rifles were produced in just two years from 1941-1943 for World War II. The rifles remained in service until 1963, they were that highly regarded by the Soviet Union snipers in World War 2 and long beyond that.

It is a gun that changed the face of World War II and is now a left-field video game star. You can take the Russian military Mosin Nagant into World War 1, World War 2 or World War 3 in about 20 different video games now. It’s that ubiquitous.

You’ll see it in Call of Duty, Battlefield 1, just about all the main games.

A 22LR Modin Nagant tribute from Keystone. A fun gun for plinking at the range.
What About a 22LR Mosin Nagant Model?

If you just want the look, not the feel, of an old school Mosin Nagant model, then Keystone Sporting Arms has produced a 22 Long Rifle version of the old Russian classic.

Keystone Sporting Arms mak a lot of single shot rifles, bolt actions and the like aimed at new shooters. This is a low budget nostalgia piece aimed at enthusiasts, or maybe kids that grew up with too much Call of Duty.

The Keystone Arms Mini Mosin Nagant is fun, and it’s one of those semi auto rifles you’ll just be happy to own.

The Russian Rifle Made in Massachusetts

In 1915, Csar Nicholas II decided to outsource production of 1.8 million Mosin Nagants to the United States. The New England Westinghouse Company was founded to fulfill the contract and took over J Stevens Arms & Tool Company in Chicopee Falls.

The New England Westinghouse Company made almost 800,000 of the contracted number before the Csar was deposed and the new Russian government did business with Remington. It went on to make Browning assault rifles, before eventually selling out to Savage Arms in 1920.

If you find one of those United States guns, they’re collectible and you should buy them.

What is the Tula Arsenal?

Peter the Great was behind the Tula Arsenal opening its doors in 1712 and the company has produced weapons and munitions for more than 300 years since then.

In 1941-45, until the Nazis reached the doors of the Tula Arsenal itself, the company produced M91/30 Mosin Nagant model.

The Tula Arsenal wasn’t ever really the home of the Mosin Nagant rifle, but it played a major part in fending off the German threat in World War II.

What Else Do We Have For You?

You got this far so you like to read. So we have single shot rifles, shotguns, AR pistols and more you might be interested in. Maybe concealed carry 9mm pistols, revolvers or other treats?

A single shot rifle can be fun you know and a black powder rifle is even simpler than the Mosin Nagant model. We don’t always need high capacity semi-auto rifles like the best AR-15s with red dot sights to have fun. Pistols, revolvers, shotguns, they’re all good. Pump action shotguns especially.

If you’re looking for a cheap rifle or pistol then you certainly won’t get much better gun deals than you do with a black powder rifle or single shot rifle. We can help with pistols, revolvers and more.

If you want a semi-auto rifle then we’re very into the Kel Tec Sub2000 9mm Luger at the moment and the Kel Tec forums seem to love the Nagant model. Why? We’re not entirely sure. It’s just a weird Kel Tec and Mosin crossover.

Invest in Gun Cases for Vintage Firearms

If you like to collect vintage rifles then you already know how important quality gun cases are. You can’t just throw these guns in a shed and hope for the best. Well you can, but you shouldn’t…

Decent gun cases will keep your Mosins summer fresh and free from rust, dust and maybe mold. These are allpretty useful things. So yes, buy gun cases…

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  • A picture of your fearless leader

    Nick is a lifelong gun enthusiast who has a simple mission. He wants to find the best deals for guns online and help you make the best choices with weapons your life may depend on one day.Nick won a minor league shooting competition at the age of 11 and it all went from there. Now he runs one of the biggest firearms websites on the net and his work has featured in Playboy US, Tatler Asia, Forbes and a whole host of national magazines and websites.

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4 thoughts on “Where To Buy A Mosin Nagant in 2024”

  1. Pingback: 15 Best 6.5 Creedmoor Hunting Rifles For Sale | USA Gun Shop

  2. Hi Nick, Looking to purchase a 1945 Mosin Nagant 1945 M44 version in very good condition, comes with strap, bayonet, ammo bag ww2 type plus cleaning kit from gun dealer in Western Australia.

    They are selling for $ 450 Aust, wich is I think a fair deal, but the only downside is the $ 160 delivery charge, do you think that may be too much of a price to pay, oh and also another $ 75 to realise it from gun dealer in my state of NSW Aust….

    Not much around here in Australia, espeacialy the 1945 version, very keen….Regard’s Steve
    OH and also engraved on these guns is R guns Carpentersville Illinois, I am wondering…..

    1. Hi. I don’t get involved with outside the US to be honest, it’s just too tricky. The prices sound basically OK and your only beef is shipping, but I guess Australia has its own unique rules and regs that drive those costs up. Not sure there’s a way round it though tbh apart from going to collect.

  3. Don’t buy into the misinformation about making sure you buy a pre 1959 rifle. I’ve had 2 model 91/59’s and they were excellent shooters, a more convenient length and I’d buy (condition and price being a consideration) another one any day!

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