The Ultimate Home Defense 4 Gun Kit – Sep 2018

A 4 gun kit for home defense

The ultimate home defense firearms kit is a contentious subject and it’s a constantly evolving one as new firearms hit the market, new bullets are developed and our own understanding and knowledge takes hold.

That’s why this list of the best firearms for this very specific job changes, at the bare minimum, four times a year.

But if you just want to protect your family and your home, these are the best guns we would have cocked, locked and ready to, you know, in the prime position in your gun safe.

Sig Sauer Rattler is a great 300 Blackout pistol and the cornerstone of a good home defense kit. Get yours here.

1. Sig Sauer MCX Rattler With Suppressor

  • Price: $2399.99
  • Caliber: 300BLK
  • Barrel Length: 5.5”
  • Overall Length: 19.3”
  • Weight: 5.1lb
  • Capacity: 30+1 rounds

The SIg Sauer MCX Rattler is the best AR pistol for sale in 2018 in our humble opinion. It comes with a serious price tag, but this little monster spits out 300BLK ammunition and that is a powerful USP.

It’s compact, it fits snug to your shoulder, almost  too snugly if we’re honest, and it’s a devastatingly simple, well-engineered little fiend. You can also make a huge difference to the handling of the gun by opting for low-recoil subsonic ammo or the ‘full package’ supersonic.

The simple truth is, though, that if you’re going to fire off a 300BLK cannon repeatedly indoors then you’re probably going to incur some hearing loss. So if you want to be 100% safe, then you really need to run this little gun with a suppressor.

Do that and it might just be the best AR pistol for sale right now. Get ready to be shocked by 300BLK suppressor prices, though.

Suppressor Makes a Difference, Good and Bad

Now that suppressor does give up a slight tactical advantage. You buy one of the shortest and tightest AR pistols for sale in 2022 and then stick another few inches of length and unbalanced weight on the end of that short barrel to basically turn it back into a rifle.

It’s a price that is well worth paying. Semi-auto rifles are one thing, but this is smaller, quieter and more practical as a home defense firearm. Get a multi caliber suppressor here.

With a suppressor, the Rattler genuinely does sound like a movie-silenced gun with subsonic ammo and you won’t even blow your ears out with supersonic if you’re just firing a few rounds. It makes the Rattler your friendliest gun, as well as the most devastating.

Strap a couple of mags together, military style, fit an RMR to the top and you have an absolute weapon of war in the palms of your hands.

Semi Auto AR Pistols Changed the Game

For some other AR pistols for sale that will blow your home intruder’s mind, check out this list of civilian SMGs here. We love this new breed of AR pistols that get round the SBR rules thanks to the tactical brace, though.

Are they the best guns in the world? They’re basically military grade weapons without selective fire. So yeah, they kind of are. Law enforcement wishes they could carry this beauty.

ZEV Technologies AR-15 Pistol 300BLK

1. ZEV Core Elite

  • Price: $1,844.99

I have to be honest, this might be just as capable a weapon, for half the price. ZEV merged with Mega Arms, which was always in the business of producing high-end AR parts. ZEV makes some of the finest custom Glocks in the world and now they make AR-15s together.

This is one of the best guns for sale in this class. It’s a short barrel, but it’s slightly longer than the Sig Sauer Rattler.

This is a great gun and dare we say it, a little underpriced. It’s a 300BLK AR pistol with an 8.5” barrel and it looks to be at least 80% of the gun of the Rattler for 50% of the money. It comes with a more conventional brace, too, so you might just prefer this firearm in your hands.

It weighs just 5.49lb, again you will want a suppressor and if money is an issue then get this gun first and use the change to get one or even two of the others.

You can order a slightly longer barrel and you can also get your gun in 5.56 NATO if that’s your thing.

Springfield Armory Saint AR Pistol on sale here and now. Get yours.

Springfield Armory Saint

  • Price: $942.79

Now if it comes down to bang for your buck, we think this is the best AR pistol out there right now. We love it, we want one and we think you will too.

Springfield Armory makes some exceptional handguns and this AR pistol, which is also available as a full AR-15 rifle, is a work of art. It takes 5.56 NATO, it weighs 5.75lb and the tactical brace is perfectly designed to give you a proper shoulder brace.

The ammo gives a little less flexibility and you’ll definitely want to run a suppressor if you’re not planning to use ear protectors when a home invader breaks in. You’re not, let’s face it…

The 300BLK is a Beast

You can go for a 300BLK version of the Springfield for just the wrong side of $900. That’s still a bargain for what is a Mil-spec gun every step of the way and this short barrel firearm is tough and angry looking. I love that fat barrel..

For the money, this is an awesome gun and the Springfield Armory Saint has got great feedback in the user reviews online. If money is an issue and you want a spectacular AR pistol, you could do a lot worse than this budget effort.

Mossberg 590M Mag Fed Tactical Shotgun. It's a great pump action shotgun for home defense with up to 20 rounds. Buy yours.

2. Mossberg 590M

  • Price: $603.99
  • Caliber: 12Ga
  • Barrel Length: 18.5”
  • Overall Length: 39.5”
  • Weight: 7.75lb
  • Capacity: 10+1 rounds

You might expect the classic Benelli M4, but this new breed of pump action shotguns has won the war. The added capacity and the increasing reliability of the mag-fed shotguns means that an old-school tactical shotgun just isn’t, well, tactical anymore.

This pump action shotgun comes with a heatshield and ghost ring sights, which you might want to upgrade if you shoot slugs as this then becomes a serious weapon for hunting or just fucking shit up at up to 100 yards. Most importantly, it comes with a magazine you can switch out in a second.

Here’s the case I made for mag-fed shotguns before. I think they’re the future.

Mossberg and Remington have both produced mag fed shotguns now and we’re well beyond the time of ropey third party conversions that failed to feed. This is the future of the shotgun and both the Mossberg and the Remington have a lot to like about them.

A 20-Round Pump Action Shotgun? That’s Hot

The Mossberg does have one big advantage right now, a 20-round magazine that comes as an optional extra. That said, it takes a lot more muscle to rack the slide and I would want to run reliability tests next to the 10-round magazine before making a judgement call on which mag to run.

So, if it ends up at 10 rounds for safety, then the advantage actually swings back to the Remington. The Mossberg is built for 2 and ¾ inch shells, but the Remington can take those or 3” Magnum loads.

Versatility is a Winner

That theoretical flexibility wins it for the Mossberg 590M, though, and we frankly just love this shotgun after a brief tryout. Magazines have made shotguns relevant again. Just a year ago, I would say it was pointless including a shotgun in a home defense kit, because the capacity means it’s a seriously limited weapon. Not anymore.

An ammo bag with a selection of magazines could give you the option of switching between buckshot and slugs, which turn this into two wholly different weapons. The 590M also comes with the tactical shoulder stock, although you might be tempted to get a Shockwave version and fit your own SB Tactical AR-style brace.

Budget Option

Black Aces Tactical mag fed tac shotgun. A cheap shotgun with a magazine.

Black Aces Tactical Pro Series

  • Price: $399.99

The base model 590M is crazy good value right now.

There is no budget option that is going to cost much less than $525 and be worth picking up in the first place. This gun is inimitable and it’s a freaking bargain.

A four or six-shot shotgun is just a distraction for you. Leave it out the kit altogether if you don’t want to go for the mag-fed shotgun. Without that USP, there simply isn’t enough to recommend any lesser shotgun. Just pack more mags for your AR pistol and your Glock.

Glock 40, a 10mm ultimate home defense handgun on sale now. Get your 10mm here.

3. Glock G40 + RMR + Mag Extension

  • Price: $699.99 (Gun only)
  • Caliber: 10mm
  • Barrel Length: 6”
  • Total Length: 9.49”
  • Capacity: 15+1

Yes, you can opt for a 9mm, but your home defense pistol should give you something more than an EDC or why buy one?  The 10mm Glock G20 is a great answer, but the full size Glock G40 is the absolute pick of the bunch. If overpenetration isn’t a problem. Because, well, that could be a problem.

That six inch barrel is good for accuracy and velocity, which will almost always be terminal with this round. It’s the FBI’s response to the Dade shootout where 9mm just didn’t have the required impact. Since then, 9mm ballistics have gotten much better and the gap has closed, but everybody knows that 10mm is the daddy.

It’s a fearsome round, but it also comes with capacity.

Are You Ready For 10mm?

10mm ammunition is expensive and that counts at the range, and in everyday life. It does not count when that gun is the last line of defense, the thin black line between life and death. Then, you just want the hardest hitting gun you can find with a recoil you can live with. That’s what the G40 was made for.

With a mag extension, the G40 can pack in 20+1 rounds and people are using this and the more compact Glock G20 for bear defense these days. As a home defense handgun, this one is going to be pretty hard to beat.

If you just plain don’t like Glock, but want to buy a 10mm handgun, check this list of the best 10mm handguns for sale for the alternatives.

Budget Option

Sig P320 Compact on sale. The P365 XL might have taken over, but that makes this a cheap pistol.

Sig Sauer P320 Compact 9mm

  • Price: $489.99

The G40 is no EDC. It’s a specific gun for specific purposes: home defense or maybe open carry in bear country. If you can’t quite justify such a niche gun, then maybe look at your priorities in life. Until then, the Sig Sauer P320 Compact is a formidable weapon.

It might just be the best EDC in the world right now. It’s perfectly proportioned, it comes with high capacity mags and the ergonomics give it the edge over the Glock 19. Load it up with savage 9mm ammo and it will serve you well. It will never quite be 10mm, but feed this 9mm with HoneyBadger rippers, or Xtreme Penetrators, and see just what it can do.

For a Jack of All Trades, it’s a mighty good gun. Of course you can check out a wide range of compact 9mm pistols here.

Sig P365 Nitron is perhaps the best concealed carry in the world right now. Buy your pistol today.

4. Sig P365 Nitron

  • Price: $499.99
  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Barrel Length: 3.1”
  • Overall Length: 5.8”
  • Weight: 1.1lb
  • Capacity: 10+1 rounds

The little Sig Sauer has finally won us over and we think the Springfield Armory XDMOD.2’s time has come. You could still make a case for concealed carrying our old favorite and we’d struggle to argue with you, but the little Sig Sauer has finally won us over and it is the best concealed carry gun for sale.

This gun is small enough to go in a sock holster, if you’re that way inclined. It’s a perfect CCW for everyday use, but it’s also a back-up gun in a serious SHTF situation. Throw it in your pocket, strap it to your ankle or slip it next to the Glock in a belt holster. That’s 11 more rounds when you clearly need them.

Upgrade Your Sig

You might want to upgrade the striker pin, which seems to solve all the issues that some owners were having.

It’s a near $100 part, but the new steel pin seems to reduce primer drag and it’s definitely bringing an end to the failures we heard about. Sig Sauer maintains these really weren’t as big a deal as the internet made it, but we still think it’s telling that so many owners have bought aftermarket pins. 

Other than that, it’s an awesome, spectacular, gamechanging CCW. It’s time to buy the best Concealed Carry gun in the world.

If you’re not sure then you can have a look at some of the other best selling guns in America, in Sep 2018 here. And also have a look at some other defense kits we dreamed up on the spur of the moment…

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  • A picture of your fearless leader

    Nick is a lifelong gun enthusiast who has a simple mission. He wants to find the best deals for guns online and help you make the best choices with weapons your life may depend on one day.Nick won a minor league shooting competition at the age of 11 and it all went from there. Now he runs one of the biggest firearms websites on the net and his work has featured in Playboy US, Tatler Asia, Forbes and a whole host of national magazines and websites.

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4 thoughts on “The Ultimate Home Defense 4 Gun Kit – Sep 2018”

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