Custom Sig P365 Parts & Accessories – 2024

Wilson Combat P365

Last Updated July 2nd 2024

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The Sig Sauer P365 Nitron is a legend in its own lifetime. So there was always going to be a slew of Sig P365 accessories, upgrades and aftermarket parts.

We have a full list of suggestions, but first check these complete guns and see if you need to break out the tools at all, or you just want to buy a custom Sig P365 off the peg before you start buying P365 parts & accessories.

Andyou can find the hands on review of the Sig P365 Nitron here.

Custom Sig P365 Off the Shelf?

Before you go spending money on upgrades, gun parts and accessories, be sure the pistol you actually want isn’t sitting there on the shelf. Here are a few options for you.

The Sig P365 X-Macro. Arguably the best compact 9mm handgun on sale in 2022. Get yours here.

1. Sig Sauer P365 X MACRO

  • Price: $819.99
  • Barrel: 3.1 inch
  • Total Size: 5.8 inch
  • Weight: 1.12lb
  • Capacity: 17+1

The X-Macro might just be the best compact 9mm pistol on the market right now. it’s that good.

If you can handle the price bump from a Sig Sauer P365XL, you get 17+1 rounds of 9mm ammo in a larger grip module that easily conceals.

The compensator means it is slightly longer than the standard pistol. But it’s so cool.

Also that comp actually works and helps tame the famous P365 recoil. Everything else, from the magazine release to the grip angle, has been reworked.

Sig Sauer P365 SAS with Meprolight FT sights and a ported slide for just $599.99. A few other choice mods could make the perfect custom P365.

2. Sig Sauer P365 SAS

  • Price: $640.99
  • Barrel: 3.1 inch
  • Total SIze: 5.8 inch
  • Weight: 1.12lb
  • Capacity: 10+1

Sig sent its own engineers to work to refine the new benchmark for concealed carry pistols. The Sig Sauer P3655 Micro Compact SAS is the result.

Before you go spending $1000 to tune a stock Sig Sauer P365 9mm at the aftermarket parts and accessories shop, make sure this wasn’t the custom Sig you wanted all along.

It has a ported slide. You also get a trick Meprolight FT front sight. That’s a third party upgrade, but the precision Sig engineering happens in-house.

The SAS is not as accurate at the range as classic sights that line up planes. But as a defensive sight then we like it a lot. Especially integrated into the slide like this.

That’s a long way towards a completely custom gun and you no longer have to buy a slide. They can get expensive. We’ll get to that…

Sig Sauer P365 Spectre Comp.

3. Sig Sauer P365XL Spectre Comp

  • Price: $799.99
  • Barrel: 3.7 inch
  • Total SIze: 6.5 inch
  • Weight: 1.20lb
  • Capacity: 12+1

The Sig Spectre 365 XL with a compensator is a flashy, John Wick style gun that you kind of want.

There are cheaper Spectre Works guns on sale here. Just organise the price low to high and you might grab a bargain.

Not only is the slide fitted with an integrated compensator, you also get XRAY sights, a flat gold trigger and other custom touches. It’s a totally reworked, high price, high spec pistol that probably isn’t worth the money, especially when the P365 X MACRO is standing right there.

But it is really cool. That can be enough.

Now The Parts & Accessories…

Get an extended magazine for your Sig P365 and get 15+1 rounds in this personal defense handgun sensation. The best CCW just got better.

1. Sig P365 Extended Magazine 15 Rounds

  • Price: $44.99

Sometimes the cheapest and simplest mods you make are the best. And there is no denying the straight value of five extra rounds in each P365 magazine.

An extended magazine is one of the fastest ways to measurably improve any gun. This one isn’t the prettiest, but it does give you some extra real estate with a pinky extension and then some to get a better grip on your gun.

You can also get a pinky extension on a 10-round 9mm magazine if you live in ‘those’ States. It’s still better than a flush fit magazine.

The benefits go beyond the extra ammo in your 9mm magazine, then, but that’s really the big news here. Five more rounds makes the rest of this stuff look like window dressing. So get a new P365 magazine before anything other gun parts and accessories.

You can buy magazine base pads just about everywhere these days too. Get a contrasting color, Punisher logo, whatever floats your boat. Base pads normally come with a spring and are the work of minutes to install on existing magazines.

Grey Ghost Precision custom slide for the Sig P365 for sale. Just $402.19 from our partner Brownells

2. Custom Slide

  • Grey Ghost Precision
  • Price: $309.99

Custom slides are big business. But not all the big guns have options out yet.

Custom Glock experts Grey Ghost Precision has released the Grey Ghost Precision V1 and these pistol slides are epic.

You get real tangible benefits from these custom slides, like a loaded chamber indicator and a plate for the Sig RomeoZero Elite . You also get the kit to fix the Springfield Armory Shield SMS-C.

Grey Ghost Precision makes small parts, accessories and upgrades that are revered by the Glock and AR-15 community. They’re good and this video for the P320 pistol slides show just how good, but get quality slide parts kits too.

You can opt for a custom P365 slide from Strike Industries, Zaffiri Precision, LIve Free Armory and Trybe Defense. Check here for a full selection of aftermarket P365 slide choices.

Wilson Combat Grip Module for the Sig P365. A great upgrade at a seriously cheap price.

3. Wilson Combat Grip Module

  • Price: $59.99

Wilson Combat, P365 and bargain aren’t words that go together too often. But you can get that legendary Starburst grip for less than $60 with P365 grip modules.

This grip module reprofiles the grip and handling characteristics. The company says the gun’s infamous recoil is contained better with this grip angle and bore axis adjustment. It has to be fractional, but you can see a difference.

And pretty much all of the company’s parts are more than $65. So this Wilson Combat grip module is a rare treat.

Add a Proper Safety Lever

You can also order a module with a cut for a manual safety lever, so yes you can add a manual safety to your P365. The ability to add a safety lever is a seriously attractive proposition to a lot of buyers and a new module is the easiest way to start the conversion.

You can opt for grip modules from other brands that offer a completely different look and feel for a low or high price.

Sharps Bros produces a module with wood grips. The Grayguns grip modules have a more aggressive grip texture with laser sculpting, while Armory Craft grip modules have a two tone finish and are more about the aesthetics.

True Precision Threaded Barrel for the Sig P365 accessorties market. An elegant fluted barrel that should improbe your shooting accuracy.

4. True Precision 9mm Threaded Barrel

  • Price: $144.99

Drop in barrels for the Sig should be more competitive market. But again True Precision was one of the first to hit the ground running with this match grade threaded barrel and they just kinda took over.

The True Precision Sig Sauer P365 pistol match grade barrel is good to go with a suppressor or the compensator that’s coming right up. Obviously it adds length to your gun and limits you to open-ended holsters. And you have to wonder how often you’re really going to hang a suppressor or other muzzle devices off this thing.

This True Precision custom barrel is made from 416R steel. The threaded match-grade barrel gets 6-groove rifling. The SAAMI spec chamber and polished feed ramp should give you a tangible improvement with the cycling times too.

You can see some more pistol parts for Sig Sauer handguns from True Precision here.

Strike Industries can sell you a barrel for the P365, too, as well as Faxon Firearms, Trybe Defense, Killer Innovations and Zaffiri Precision. So if you’re the kind of person who wants to use muzzle devices, or you want the tacti-cool look, then this is a great choice.

Tame the recoil on your Sig Sauer P365 9mm with this DPM recoil reduction system. Fight muzzle lift on this snappy CCW.

5. DPM Recoil Reduction System

  • Price: $95

The 365 is a snappy little creation and there are various ways to combat muzzle rise, increase your cycling speed and improve your accuracy. The DPM Recoil Reduction system offers the best recoil reduction parts for less than $100…

Three springs combine to create staged resistance recoil spring assembly, and the third spring controls the slide in the DPM recoil springs. That stops it ramming the frame and potentially increases the lifespan of your micro-compact pride and joy.

An advanced spring parts kit can also reduce jams. It’s all win here, but the biggest tangible benefit of the DPM Recoil Reduction system is, well, the recoil reduction you feel in every pull of the trigger…

A low budget pistol optic from, check out the Sig Sauer Romeo Zero Elite. Less than $200 and it will transform your gun.

6. Sig Romeo Zero Elite

  • Price: $175.99

Not everybody wants red dots on their concealed carry pistol, until they try one.

Yes it makes the ease of concealment a slightly more contentious issue. but not much. You can find a way to accommodate this low profile reflex site and it does come with a payoff.

Plenty of people don’t have 20/20 vision anymore. In a personal defense situation, too, nerves go through the roof and focus can be a real issue. It isn’t a sin to take all the help you can get.

Shield Reflex Mini Sight. A miucro red dot that fixes to the Sig P365 and gives you a whole new field of view.

These Sights Really Work

Micro red dot sights are taking off in a big way and we can vouch for both the Sig Romeo Zero Elite and the Springfield Armory Shield. Both automatically adjust to the ambient brightness and gives you a clear field of view through the reticle.

That in itself can be huge in a home defense situation when something goes bump in the night.

Tyrant Designs Sig Sauer P365 Compensator. Reduce the recoil of the best 9mm concealed carry pistol of 2019.

7. Tyrant Designs Compensator

  • Price: $79.95

Call it the John Wick effect, but we’re all that little more accepting of compensators on small guns thanks to the super assassin.

You know it’s true.

You also know that the stock Sig Sauer P365, while awesome, is a little snappy. Tyrant Designs claims to have tamed the beast with this simple compensator for recoil reduction.

You’ll need a thead on your barrel, but the compensator screws right on and you can use any open ended holster with this compensator attached. And the recoil reduction is tangible. You can really feel it.

Strike Industries is another popular brand with replacement parts for the P365. P365XL, Sig P320 and much more Sig Sauer pistol parts.

They include a compensator, and you can also buy one from Faxon Firearms, Griffin Armament and more.

Sig Sauer P365 Flat Trigger. A simple P365 upgrade that looks better and it's an OEM Sig Sauer part.

8. Sig Sauer P365 Flat Trigger

  • Price: $47.99

The flat trigger that comes as standard on the P365 XL just looks better.

Well you can throw away your traditional P365 trigger and replace it with a Sig 365 upgrade that is an OEM part from Sig. As accessories and upgrades go, this is one of the simplest.

Just $45 will get you the real deal and it’s a cinch to fit. And the flat P365 trigger kit is one of many custom parts, accessories and upgrades you can find.

Trigger parts out there include trigger springs that can reduce the trigger pull by 40% or a full trigger kit. If those trigger parts aren’t enough then drop in triggers are hitting the market.

9. Extended Controls

  • Price: Varies

Your first trip to the P365/365XL accessories shop is quite often for something simple. The basic P365 accessories include a P365 extended magazine release for Sig.

A new magazine releases can cost as little as $20 and make it weapon handling that much easier. You know that magazine releases will just be the start, though, and you might as well buy a P365 extended slide catch lever while you’re at it.

The slide catch lever is notoriously difficult on the small Sig, so an extended slide catch lever gives you a little more leverage and makes it easier to engage.

Tyrant Designs sells a lot of other custom parts for Sig Sauer P365 pistols, including an extended magazine release, slide catch lever, a flared magwell and other cool Sig Sauer pistol parts.P365, Sig P320, all of em are catered for..

The Techna Clip for your P365. Clip your Sig to your belt for minimal concealed carry.

10. Techna Clip Gun Belt Clip

  • Price: $39.99

This simple belt clip eliminates the need for a holster. You do affix the clip permanently to your gun, so this is something you ither do all the time or never. But some people love a simple belt clip, and that’s what this is.

Fiber Optic sights for the Sig P365.

11. Fiber Optic Sights

  • Price: $30-$120

Fiber optic sights are a broad church, but there’s little doubt that adding aftermarket units to your P365/P365XL/P365X can have a real impact on your accuracy and target acquisition.

Sights, optics and more are out there for the P365 9mm pistol. And you can spend basicaly as much or as little as you want.

They include the MeproLIght optics that you find in the custom slides on the P365 SAS, but most people opt for the enhanced TruGlo type Tritium night nights with a contrasting front sight lining up between the rear dots.

Other big name suppliers include ZEV Tech, XS Sight Systems and Night Fision fiber optic sights that you can order in suppressor height or standard form.

The Meprolight FT Bullseye rear sight is a fascinating option, and acts much like a very crude red dot for your concealed carry pistol that offers less drag than standard sights. It’s a novel approach that works great at short distances, but is terrible for long range shooting.

Lightning Strike steel striker pin for the Sig P365. An upgrade for your best gun that should improve reliability and cycling time.

12. Lightning Strike Steel Striker Pin

  • Price: $91.99

This was one of the hot new products for the Sig when it launched and had all those problems with the striker pin shearing. The Lightning Striker Steel Striker Pin was an instant fix for that troublesome issue and it’s still an upgrade for striker safety.

Now we haven’t heard of any reliability issues of late, so this may be a redundant upgrade. But if you’re the kind of person that wants the best, then this is still technically better than the OEM striker safety.

A weapon mounted light can leave your other hand free. That can be vital. It also means your CCW can serve double duty as a nightstand pistol with a blinding light.

13. Sig Foxtrot365 Tactical Light

  • Price: $139.99

Things generally go bump in the night. So if you use your 9mm as a nightstand pistol, or you’re happy to compromise concealment for capability, then the Sig weapons light can be a real benefit.

At night, blinding weapon lights can be all you need to gain a competitive advantage. This 100 Lumens LED light is seriously powerful.

You can choose from a wide range of weapons lights for the P365/P365X, including the Streamlight TLR, Surefire XSC and Nightstick Subcompact. Check here for more choices for the P365/P365 XL/P365X and Sig P320.

Custom Sig P365 Parts & Accessories - 2024 2

14. Spring Kit/Completion Kit

  • Price: $97.99

If you want to freshen up your gunthen a new spring kit for the internals can do wonders.

This kit is full OEM and contains a complete new striker assembly, extractor pin, end plate, striker safety and the spring kit to go with it. All the small parts, then, to make your gun feel like new.

Crossbreed Supertuck IWB holster for the Sig Sauer P365 Nitron. One of the most comfortable Sig Sauer P365 accessories you can buy.

15. Crossbreed Supertuck IWB P365 Pistol Holster

  • Price: $77.95

Crossbreed Holsters are some of the best Sig Sauer P365 holsters on the market.

The Crossbreed Supertuck is a leather IWB holster that is seriously comfortable, but is on the big side.

Two clips and the central holster means there’s an expanse of rawhide. but it’s elegant, soft and you won’t feel it in the end. Crossbreed holsters are famous for that and they can also accommodate muzzle brakes and flash hiders.

There are lots more compact P365 holster options on the market, and more rigid ones too. Check out just a few best-selling options here.

The best Sig P365 accessories include the Sig Sauer SRD9 suppressor for sale. Buy your 9mm silencer today.

16. Sig Sauer SRD9 Suppressor

  • Price: $699.99
  • Caliber: 9mm Luger

Some States still want you to have fun and a suppressor can be just that. But where can you buy a suppressor online?

We got you.

Now forget about barrel length, weight, everything. But you knew that right? And your gun might not cycle, maybe 50% of the time. But except for that…

Sig Sauer Lima Sig 365 Laser. One of the more dramatic Sig Sauer P365 Nitron accessories.

17. Sig Sauer Lima P365 Laser Sight

  • $159.99

This OEM laser sight slots right on to the Sig for a low-drag draw that paints a red laser dot right on the target. Or a green laser, it’s really your choice.

In the heat of the moment, a clear line of fire can be a lifesaver. The light alone has that intimidation factor, too, so some people prefer to carry a weapon-mounted laser sight.

A simple pinky extension for the Sig Sauer P365. Get more real estate for bigger hands here.

18. Pearce Grip Extension

  • Price: $7.46

Get 5/8ths of an inch more real estate on the famously tiny handle with this basic magazine baseplate replacement.

The Pearce Grip Extension is cheap, it works and most people seem to like it. We’re not sure what else to say really…

Where to Buy Random Parts

You don’t always need custom gun parts & accessories for Sig Sauer. Sometimes you just want a Stock Sig Sauer pistols, replacement recoil spring assembly, accessories, ammunition, gun cleaning supplies. The usual.

Other days you want a standard 9mm Luger 10 round magazine, an IWB holster or even a replacement parts kit to get your gun running again. Then there are accessories, ammunition, conversion kits, grips, muzzle devices etc.

Brownells seem to have a constant supply of the simple kits you always need to have lying round. OEM Sig Sauer Sights, rifle parts, all that.

  • Optics Planet – Everything in one place, great prices.
  • Sig Sauer – Official parts & accessories.
  • Brownells – Buy a recoil spring, parts kits and more for your Sig.


  • A picture of your fearless leader

    Nick is a lifelong gun enthusiast who has a simple mission. He wants to find the best deals for guns online and help you make the best choices with weapons your life may depend on one day.Nick won a minor league shooting competition at the age of 11 and it all went from there. Now he runs one of the biggest firearms websites on the net and his work has featured in Playboy US, Tatler Asia, Forbes and a whole host of national magazines and websites.

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